Científica is a biannual journal published by Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)
at Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica since 1997. It publishes theoretical and experimental
research on Electromechanical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications,
and also Education in Engineering.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts could be written in English or Spanish and upload into our
Open Journal Systems,
there the Editorial Board chooses two referees (peer review process) for a double anonymized review,
they are selected for their expertise in a given field.
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication,
nor which is under review for another refereed journal.
Author accepts sending his/her paper the Editorial Board Policies, Científica should not guarantee manuscript acceptance
or very short peer review. Once a manuscript has received the final approval of the reviewers and Chief Editor, the author will
be notified and sent a copyright form, in any event, authors must transfer copyright to Científica,
there are not fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in Científica.