Guidelines for Authors
Científica publishes original theoretical and experimental research on
Electromechanical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications,
and also Education in Engineering.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:
- The submission is an original work and has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format (our template "1.1.TemplateCien.docx", it is available in this folder in Gdrive). The submission consists of the text of the article with all the data and with the references following the IEEE Reference Guide (2023).
- All submissions must be done in our Open Journal System plattform.
- All figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Tables and Equations are editable not images.
- Where available, URLs or DOIs for the references have been provided.
- The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not recommended in the development of original research since it does not ensure that the results are correct (find more details in the section within our Publication Ethics).
- The contribution roles of each author in the manuscript must be specified following the descriptions according to the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT), as explained in this section.
- Author accepts sending his/her paper the Editorial Board Policies.
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts could be written in English or Spanish and upload into our
Open Journal Systems,
there the Editorial Board chooses two referees (peer review process) for a double anonymized review,
they are selected for their expertise in a given field.
Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication,
nor which is under review for another refereed journal.
Reasons for rejection of manuscripts
- Submit work without using the template.
- Do not follow the instructions and editorial criteria described in the template.
- If the topic does not correspond to the disciplines of this journal.
- If the anti-plagiarism program (Turnitin©) indicates a similarity greater than 20%.
- If the authors do not promptly disclose the use of artificial intelligence and assisted technologies in their manuscript.
- If in the peer review process a rejection response is obtained from two or more reviewers.
Author accepts sending his/her paper the Editorial Board Policies, Científica
should not guarantee manuscript acceptance
or very short peer review. Once a manuscript has received the final approval of the reviewers and Chief Editor,
the terms of the agreement are accepted through a document signed by the authors about
the creative commons license used by Cientifica:
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) ,
which allows sharing, copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format,
in addition to adapting, remixing, transforming and building upon the material.
Neither the processing of the articles nor their editing generate any cost for their authors.
there are not fees or charges for manuscript processing or
publishing materials in Científica.
The costs of the edition of Cientifica are made by the
National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico) through the
Higher School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
a non-profit public institution of higher education,
there is no charge for editing or publication processes (APC).
Brief Guide
Must be concise and no longer than 3 lines using capital and lower case letters.
Authors’ Name and Affiliations.
The authors’ name must be written below the title using a
one column format staring with the given name followed by one or two family names in bold.
Below each author's name must be written the affiliation including ORCID and email.
The abstract with about 200 words must give a brief
description about the research including some comments
about the experimental or simulation results and conclusion.
Resumen (Spanish abstract).
It is desirable that, if it is possible, a Spanish abstract be
Index words or Key words (palabras clave).
All papers must contain index terms as provided by the
authors. They should be incorporated in Spanish too.
Body of the Manuscript.
The body of the manuscript must include an introduction
in which the relevance of the research must be explained. A review of related research works by either,
the same or another authors must be included. The structure must follow IEEE's for papers.
Reference list.
A numbered list of references must be provided at the end
of the paper. The list should be arranged in the order of
citation in text, not in alphabetical order. List only one
reference per reference number. It is not necessary to
mention the authors of a reference unless such mention is
relevant to the text. (IEEE Reference Guide 2023, it is posible to use the tool on
BibGuru, do not forget to point IEEE option):
[1] N. Last name, "Title," Journal,
volume, number, pages, month, year, DOI or URL.
[1] R. Ponce-Morales, F. Sánchez-Silva, I. Carvajal-Mariscal, M. Toledo-Velázquez,
J. S. Cruz-Maya, "Estudio experimental de la reducción de fricción en la conducción
de fluidos usando surfactantes," Ingeniería Mecánica. Tecnología y Desarrollo,
vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 205-217, Jun. 2014. URL:
[2] N. Last name, Title,
edition number, city, country, editorial, year, DOI or URL.
[2] J. P. Alperin, D. Babini, G. E. Fischman, Indicadores de acceso abierto y comunicaciones
académicas en América Latina,
1a ed., Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO, 2014. Available:
[3] N. Last name, "Title", grade, department, institution, city, country, year, DOI or URL.
[3] O. I. López-Suárez, "Análisis del desempeño de una prótesis cardíaca en posición aórtica,"
tesis de maestría, Depto. Ing. Mecánica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Ciudad de México,
México, 2010. [Online]. Available:
[4] N. Last name, "Title," in Congress,
city, country, date, year, pages, DOI or URL.
[4] S. Agrawal, P. Chaporkar, R. Udwani, "Call admission control for real-time
applications in wireless network," en INFOCOM, 2013 Proceedings IEEE,
Turín, Italia, 14-19 abril, 2013. DOI: 10.1109/INFCOM.2013.6566789
Figures comments must be below them and tables comments
above. It is necessary to use the International Systems of
Units not abbreviations.
In order to achieve the highest quality of reproduction,
resolutions of 600 dpi (1 bit/sample) at final printed size for
line art (graphs, charts or drawing) and 300 dpi (8 bits/sample)
at final printed size for photographs and other grayscale
images are required.
Científica assumes that material submitted to its publication
is properly available for general dissemination for the
readership of this publication. It is the responsibility of the
authors, not Científica, to determine whether disclosure of
their material requires the prior consent of other parties
and, if so, to obtain that consent. If an author uses charts,
photographs, or other graphics from previously printed
material, he/she is responsible for obtaining written
permission from the publisher to use the material in his/her
Científica does not provide drafting or art services. Thus,
the better the quality of the material submitted, the better
the published result. Try to adhere to the accepted style as
much as possible. Of particular importance here is the
references list, editing references guidelines are from the
IEEE Editorial Style Manual (Chapter V. Editing
References, pp. 34-40)
Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT)
The Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) is a standardized system used
to describe and acknowledge the specific roles and contributions of individuals
involved in a research project or the creation of a scholarly publication.
It provides a detailed framework to ensure transparency, accountability,
and clarity regarding who did what in the research and writing process.
CRediT defines contributor roles that encompass a wide range of activities,
from the initial conceptualization of a project to the preparation of the
final manuscript . These roles are:
- Conceptualization: Developing the idea, goals, and objectives of the research.
- Methodology: Designing the methodology or models used in the research.
- Software: Developing or programming the software used for analysis or visualization.
- Investigation: Conducting the experiments or gathering the data.
- Writing – Original Draft: Writing the initial draft of the manuscript.
- Writing – Review & Editing: Reviewing, editing, and refining the manuscript for publication.
- Supervision: Overseeing and leading the research team.
- Formal Analysis: Applying statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques to analyze the data.
- Project Administration: Managing and coordinating the research project.
- Funding Acquisition: Securing funding to support the research.
CRediT is increasingly adopted by journals and publishers to ensure transparency in author contributions. By specifying these roles, it helps avoid disputes over authorship, highlights individual efforts, and promotes recognition of contributions that might otherwise go unnoticed (there is a section in our template in this matter).