Científica is a biannual journal published by Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico)
at Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica since 1997. It publishes theoretical and experimental
research on Electromechanical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Telecommunications,
and also Education in Engineering.
Open Access
Papers are shared in Open Access by a Creative Commons License ‘Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 International
(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)’ .
They are available on line and can be downloaded, each paper (since 2016) has four format:
pdf, html*, ejournal* and mobile*
(by Redalyc ).
Científica on Redalyc
Articles are distribuites here online and by
Redalyc Database since 2005, where Científica
has a remarkable number of downloads by region: 237,000 in USA & Canada, 300,000 in Iberoamerica,
30,000 in Europe and almost 20,000 in Asia. An approximate average of 37000 yearly, 3100 monthly and 100 daily.
No Applied Publishing Charges (APC)
Científica is sponsored by Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico),
a Public non-profit Institution of Higher Education, there is not charges (no APC) for publishing. Advertising is done only for academics pourposes (Conferences, Institutional Publications, etc.).
Publications Ethics
Científica joins the initiative of the
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
and is guided by its principles. Each manuscript is checked by anti-plagiarism software
Turnitin©. We take seriously and we
expect our authors and partners to abide by the same high standards.
The authors caught in these bad practices are asked not to send us their work
for two years and their trajectory is reviewed in that period.
Back up (Archiving)
Científica has a budding plan for electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content,
the complete journal collection is loaded on two institutional servers, on an external hard drive and also
(partially, since 2005) in Redalyc Database.